Archery Programs
The Wheaton Rifle Club hosts one of the finest outdoor target archery ranges in the Chicago area. The range accommodates up to 11 targets across on a flat landscape for shooting out to 90 meters. WRC hosts monthly outdoor USA Archery pin shoots for JOAD and Adults. WRC hosts several regional tournaments and has been the site of the Illinois Target Archery Association Outdoor State Championship.
The outdoor range is available to members during daylight year round.
Most archery members shoot Olympic Recurve or Barebow styles. The emphasis is on Target, FITA (Olympic style) competitions, as opposed to field archery. Archers who shoot compound bows which comply with USA Archery guidelines are welcome.
WRC sponsors a USA Archery sanctioned JOAD Program. Established in June of 2012, this Junior Olympic Archery Development Program encourages competition in young archers between the ages of 10-21 who are WRC members. Outdoor training is on Tuesday evenings between mid-April and mid-October, weather and daylight permitting. Training moves indoors for the winter time. WRC hosts monthly USA Archery pin shoots and events for members and guests, most often on Sunday.
The WRC Adult Archery program is less formal than the JOAD program. There is no set instructional program for adult archers who wish to learn the sport of Olympic Archery. The adult archery membership boasts several highly skilled archers, most of whom are certified coaches with USA Archery. They will gladly share their knowledge and experience. During the summer months, there is an informal adult "shoot night" held on Wednesday evenings. Adult buckle shoots are often held on Sunday morning when the range is not scheduled. Novice shooters are welcome as well, and targets will be set at closer distances.
The indoor 18 meter range is shared with rifle members during the winter. The range is reserved for archery on Thursday evenings in the winter.
For more information, contact Mark Wolverton at:; Cheri Kirkpatrick at: or Tom Havel at: